Speaking Opportunities

Pastor Greg A. Dixon after 45 years of pastoral ministry continues to preach and present ADVANCE around the world. Please call to schedule a speaking opportunity.

For inquiries, please contact gdixon@advanceglobal.net.

greg photo

We would be honored to be invited to speak and sing at your church or function for three reasons:

1. God called me to preach when I was 17 years of age, and I must fulfill my call.

2. After 45 plus years in the ministry, I have a desire to influence, encourage, and bless pastors and churches around the world to be greater missional movements of God.

3.My wife and I have chosen to donate all love offerings, which have been received through speaking engagements to help self-fund these 6 Initiatives.

The 4 Initiatives

ADVANCE 2019 Brochure

There are four reasons to get involved with ADVANCE:

*PURE EVANGELISM-There are no salaries.

*ACCELERATED EVANGELISM-We help missionaries accelerate their church planting efforts.

*PRODUCTIVE EVANGELISM-Over 1,000 new church startups have begun.
*COST-EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM-$50.00 per month per church starts a new work.
ADVANCE 2019 Brochure

Thank you for your friendship and interest in what we do through ADVANCE all around the world.  Your monthly or one time gift will help us do more.  “The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith,  the just shall live by faith.”   Let us live and do something far beyond ourselves by faith.