Heartland Baptist Church
Ames, Iowa
Pastor Randy Abell
Church Planting
Harmony Baptist Church
Avon, Ind.
Pastor Jonathan Lilly
Church Planting
Jefferson Baptist Temple
Jeffersonville, Ind.
Pastor Bill Adkins
Church Planting
Calvary Road Baptist Church
Pastor John Waldrip
Church Planting
Mounds Baptist Church
Mounds, Mo.
Pastor Bill Dowell Jr.
Church Planting
Family Fellowship Church
Church Planting
Trinity Baptist Church
Findley, ohio
Pastor Ben Jennings
Church Planting
Bethel Baptist Church
Cocoa, Fla.
Pastor Chad Perdue
Church Planting
BBFI Church Planting-USA
Springfield, Mo.
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
church planters-USA
The Timothy Initiative
David Nelms
Church planting
Indianapolis Baptist Temple
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Matt Roller
Indian Creek Baptist Church
Georgetown, IN
Pastor Johnny Knuckles
Church Planting
Glory Baptist Church
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Aaron Campbell – Trinity House II @ Fountain Square
Berean Baptist Church
Greenwood, IN
Pastor Bill Blakely / Young Champions
Church Planting
D&D Enterprises – Don and Roy Davis
ADVANCE/Church planting
Zion Unity Baptist Church/Indianapolis, Ind.
Church planting
Global Baptist Training Foundation
Church planting
Liberty Baptist Church
Spokane, WA
Pastor Jordan Zeik – Advance/Church Planting
Long Run Baptist Church
Pastor Joey Faust
Grace Baptist Church
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Walt Willet/Trinity House IV @ Garfield Park
Lifeline Baptist Church
Camby, IN
Pastor Tim Lindsey Jr.
Real Church
Sharpsburg, GA
Pastor Barry Williams
Crown of Life Baptist Church
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Greg Dzula
Real Life Church
Springfield, MO
Pastor Tim Fleenor
Calvary Baptist Church
Jacksonville, Fla.
Pastor Ken Pledger
Church planting
Doers of the Word Baptist Church
Cleveland, Ohio
Pastor Ernie Sanders
Friendship Baptist Church
Montana City, MO
Pastor David Klass
Church Planting
Cherry Street Baptist Church
Springfield, MO
Pastor Dennis Jennings
Church Planting
Church Planting
Biblical Baptist Churches of Myanmar Mission
Dr. Thawng Za Mung – Leading Pastor/President
Global Baptist Training Foundation
Dr. Bruce Snavely
Kalay Zomi Baptist Association
Pastor Mun Thang – Kalaymyo, Myanmar
Hopegivers International
Kota, India
Dr. Sam Thomas
Church Planting
Philippines – Greg Lyons/Marc Buxton
Cambodia/Vietnam – Pastor Gene Latham/Pastor Y Hin Nie
Columbian church planters
Missionary Jonathan Saliba
Missionary Dennis Stofer
Church planter
First Baptist Church – Morelos, Mexico
Pastor Edmundo Martinez
First Baptist Church – Oaxaca City, Mexico
Pastor Paco Nistal
Rancho Nuevo Bautista Mission – León, Mexico
Pastor Noe Martinez Parra
NBC of Oaxaca Centro – Mexico
NBC of Oaxaca Coastal – Mexico
NBC of Istmo – Mexico
NBC of Morelos
Independent Baptist Churches of Oaxaca Centro – Mexico
The Independent Baptist Churches of Guanajuato-Mexico
Baptist Convention of Puebla and Tlaxcala-President, Pastor Pedro Cordero
Central Baptist Convention of Mexico City-President, Pastor Pedro Ramirez
Independent Baptist Churches of Zacatecas
Independent Baptist Churches of San Luis Potosi
BBFI Haiti/Dominican Republic
BBFI Mexico
The Great Commission Fundamental Baptist Fellowship
Ganta, Liberia
Edwin N. Gabor
Tapite Baptist Fellowship
Ganta, Liberia
Kardor Dwanyen
Redeeming Love Ministries
Ganta, Liberia
James Jackson Wehyee
The Independant Baptist Churches of Uganda
Bible Baptist Churches of Uganda
BBFI Missionary Russ Daniels
Global Baptist Training Foundation
Dr. Bruce Snavely
The Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Liberia
Pastor James Togba
Field Coordinator
Faith Independent Baptist Association of Liberia
Pastor Peter Kanway
Missionary Jim Eberhard
Independent Missionary
Burkina Faso-Restricted/Togo/Ghana
Missionary Mike Napper
Missionary Raul Sinti
Church planter
Missionary Jon Liles
Church planter
A big thank you to the many individuals who give generously monthly and annually to support the INITIATIVES of ADVANCE.