2024 Goals
1. 20 motorcycles2. 15 Tablets for sermon preparation3. Air conditioner for pastors office4. Sound system for fellowship hall in Oaxaca5. New chairs for a new church plant6. Built new church building in Morelos, Mexico7. Painted lobby of First Baptist of Oaxaca City8. MODUC orphanage in Liberia, Africa-Educational Scholarships and monthly food and medical needs.
In 2023 our goals are:
1. Support 500 new church start ups.
2. Gift 25 motorcycles to national church planters.
3. Gift 20 tablets for sermon preparation.
4. Scholarship 10 orphans in Liberia to private High School and College.
5. Bathrooms and well pump for the KORNEE ADVANCE ACADEMY in Liberia for over 500 students.
6. Support a few random projects at home and abroad.
7. Fund URBAN YOUTH MINISTRY of Greater Indianapolis. indyurbanyouth.com
8. In July host a VBS/Medical mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico.
9. Travel abroad, hold church planting events and preach/present ADVANCE in as many churches as possible in the US.
10. Fund a $3 million dollar church planting foundation to perpetually start 500 churches around the world every year until Jesus comes.
ADVANCE has received a $1.5 million dollar matching gift commitment. The National Christian Foundation of Indianapolis will oversee this new foundation.
2023-2033 will be a record breaking decade. “A DECADE OF BELIEVING THE IMPOSSIBLE.”
500 new churches each year for a total of 5000 churches preaching the Gospel of Christ in some of the “last places” on earth.
I’m so appreciative of every one who has prayed and given to make the efforts of ADVANCE so prosperous. I’m grateful for your confidence and alliance.
Please continue to go with me on this spiritual quest to make a life not just a living.

Every year we’ve doubled our church planting efforts. Every goal has been financially met.
In seven+ years 520 new church start ups have been supported. In 2023 another 500 churches will begin on 5 continents and in over 20 countries.
A big THANKS to every missionary around the world who are training nationals and have partnered with ADVANCE to receive support for their church planters.