Over the past 10+ years ADVANCE has held over 40 different church planting events around the world. We have men presently in 24 countries and on 5 continents continuing to promote church planting in far away places. As a result of men like Dr. Bruce Snavely and the Global Baptist Training Foundation, Edmundo Martinez and Paco Nistal in Mexico along with Phillip Willy and James Togba in Liberia the training of nationals continues. Many other men listed on the ALLIANCE link also train nationals theologically in preparation for church planting.
I am thankful that nearly 2000 new church startups have begun and our goal is to support 500+ new churches every year until Jesus comes again. ADVANCE is in the process of funding a 3 million dollar church planting foundation to accomplish our goals. A 1.5 million dollar matching gift has been promised to ADVANCE for this endeavor. ADVANCE needs your help to raise the monies needed to receive this matching gift.
My personal goal is to fund 500 churches every year and leave a church planting legacy for future
generations to continue this great work that God has called us to.