We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men who were inspired by the Holy Ghost and is the Word of God.
– II Timothy 3:16-17
We believe in the Genesis account of creation and that it is to be accepted literally.
– Genesis 1:1
We believe the church to be the Body of Christ; comprised soley of Scripturally baptised believers associated by a convenant of faith and fellowship of the gospel. We believe that Jesus Chirst is the head of the local New Testament church and that said church is not to be interfered with or imposed upon by outside entities or agencies.
– Acts 2:41; Ephesians 2:18-23
We believe that there is one, and only one, true God, who manifests Himself to us in the Person of the Father, in the Person of the Son, and in the Person of the Holy Spirit.
– Exodus 20: 2-3, I Timothy 3:16
– John 3:3; II Corinthians 5:17
We believe that salvation is wholly of grace; by faith in Jesus Christ, who died, was buried, and rose again the third day.
– John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9
ADVANCE is primarily a church planting ministry. We come along side of missionaries for accountability purposes to support financially their CALLED, TRAINED, APPROVED, SENT by the LOCAL CHURCH men to start churches in some remote part of the world to preach the gospel and reach their countrymen for Christ.
As a result, this list of beliefs are not comprehensive of what we believe but a short list of important basic beliefs. ADVANCE is not a church but a ministry to help missionaries through the national to plant churches around the world and fulfill the Great Commission.
We believe “THE LOCAL CHURCH IS GODS VEHICLE FOR WORLD EVANGELISM.” ADVANCE is here to help and assist in this great endeavor.
After 10 + years we have had the privilege to support financially nearly 2000 new church start ups on five continents and in twenty four different countries.